Fish- has catched this on a Intel(r)915GM/910ML/915MS Graphics Controller with realemu:
bad mem write c0c11 bad memory access 1d17b0 4a008800 00000002 00000000 0000a002 00009000 00005108 ac007bda 00007bc0 0000 0000 0000 c000 csZoPdI 61ed c6 MOV CS:[c11], $01 question to the coreboot guys: did you ever see the bios writing in the rom area? i found this quote on: "Even if your VGA BIOS uses self-modifying code you get a correct image" i know that the rom area is usualy cached in ram but to catch mistakes i disallow writing to the rom area... fish will make full traces later this day... it could be just a screwup on my side... just curious :) -- cinap