On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 22:34:03 EST erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>  wrote:
> > > there may be some controls determining how soon to turn
> > > off the wifi that may be of some help.
> > 
> > You don't need to mess with the wifi.  Just do
> > 
> > $ sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive=0
> > 
> > This will prevent the stack from sending any keepalive packets
> > on its own.  But this will *not* help if the higher level
> > protocol generates such packets.
> i don't think that does what you think it does.  the timers
> on the plan 9 side will keep running.

Don't know about plan9.

This setting works for ssh, xterm etc. between *BSD/Mac and I
think Linux (Windows forcibly terminates everything when the
link goes down -- there may be a setting to disable keepalives
but I try not to know more about Windows).

>From RFC1122:
  TCP Keep-Alives

            Implementors MAY include "keep-alives" in their TCP
            implementations, although this practice is not universally
            accepted.  If keep-alives are included, the application MUST
            be able to turn them on or off for each TCP connection, and
            they MUST default to off.

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