On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 16:14:21 EST erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>  wrote:
> > The point of mentioning FreeBSD numbers is to show what is
> > possible. To really improve plan9 fs performance one would
> > have to look at things like syscall overhead, number of data
> > copies made, number of syscalls and context switches etc. and
> > tune each component.
> i don't see any evidence that plan 9 suffers in system call overhead
> time, etc.  do you have some numbers that say it does?

I didn't say plan9 "suffers". Merely that one has to look at
other aspects as well (implying putting in Tstream may not
make a huge difference).

> i also think that your examples don't translate well into the
> plan 9 world.  we trade performance for keeping ramfs out of
> the kernel, etc. (620mb/s on my much slower machine, btw.)

This is for dd </dev/zero >/dev/null?  What do you get for
various block sizes?

If you are getting 620MBps that means you will definitely not
exceed that number for disk based filesystems. 

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