On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 12:25:41 PST ron minnich <rminn...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Bakul Shah <bakul+pl...@bitblocks.com> wrote
> :
> >None of these
> > use any streaming (though there *is* readahead at the FS
> > level).
> yes, all the systems that perform well do so via aggressive readahead
> -- which, from one point of view, is one way of creating a stream from
> a discrete set of requests.

On freebsd there is no readahead when dding from /dev/zero or
/dev/md0 or any device for that matter (at least that used to
be the case). Readahead is only at the FS level.  That is why
I showed dd numbers for devices -- freebsd does well even
when there is no readahead.  May be plan9 does too -- I would
run these tests but I don't have plan9 on a fast machine.

Readahead is a bet that the next block will be needed.
Distinct from streaming (making sure we can *transfer* data
as fast as possible). You don't need readahead if you can
generate data fast enough!

> If you think about it, a single 9p connection is a multiplexed stream
> for managing file I/O requests. What john's work did is to create an
> individual stream for each file. And, as Andrey's results and John's
> results show, it can be a win. The existence of readahead supports the
> idea that some form of streaming might work well in even the local
> area.

Windowing overhead (as in TCP) is not necessary but file
readahead is a win in the local case.

There are really N separate knobs you can tune:
- read ahead
- windowing (when latency*bandwidth is large)
- parallelism
- other local optimizations (does plan9 pay marshalling,
  unmarshalling cost for node local communication?)
- pushing performance sensitive code into kernel (to reduce
  context switches).
- more generally, collapsing code paths that go through
  multiple servers
- zero copy data transfer

Of course, some are worth doing *only* if you want absolutely
the very best performance but they come at the cost of
reduced flexibility, increased complexity & codebloat.

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