>From: 9fans-boun...@9fans.net [mailto:9fans-boun...@9fans.net] On Behalf Of 
>Karljurgen Feuerherm
>Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 2:15 PM
>To: 'Fans of the OS Plan 9 from Bell Labs'
>Subject: Re: [9fans] TeX: hurrah!

>Ok--so it's agreed that it's not OO that's the problem, it's the users, then, 
>who don't know which tool to use when. Not at all the same thing.
No, we don't agree. I said there were places objects were useful, I never said 
object orientation was useful; not at all, the same thing.

You can write imperative-style code in a functional language, and you can write 
functional-style code in an imperative language. That does not mean you code is 
auto-magically imperative or functional.


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