On 6 March 2010 15:13, David Leimbach <leim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think you want to create some kind of redirected handle to the ctl file
> first, then start a new block in rc.  I believe this is how network
> programming in rc can be accomplished in Inferno as well.  Is this not
> allowed in p9p?  I've honestly not used the 9p commands too often.

the nearest you can get to it in p9p is something like:

  echo -n 'addr=dot'
  9p read acme/70/addr
} | 9p write acme/70/ctl

but there's no way of guaranteeing that the read
takes place after the write - well, as a hack you can
put a sleep in there, but that's not great...

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