> > > I think you want to create some kind of redirected handle to the ctl file
> > > first, then start a new block in rc.  I believe this is how network
> > > programming in rc can be accomplished in Inferno as well.
> >
> > inferno doesn't have rc.
> Sorry I meant the shell.  I apologize to everyone that that wasn't obvious
> to, and I thank you for correcting me publicly, because everyone loves when
> they're corrected publicly.

i apoligize if you were offended.  it wasn't my intention.

a technical error salient to the topic at hand was made.
i personally think that it is easy to get confused about inferno's
shell.  therefore, i thought a correction helpful and

the post wasn't personal at all; i'm pretty surprised at the
reaction.  i think that to be a good and helpful community
we can't let technical differences become personal differences.


- erik

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