> OK. I dug a little deeper and found that rio uses x11-libs/libX11 and > x11-libs/libXext as build dependencies. These I think are the correct ones to > use and not xauth. This does raise the issue then if the gentoo ebuilds > should conditionally use X and not build rio if you do not want rio on a > non-gui system. That will of course be an issue for a program specific ebuild > system and not for plan9port.
here's the full list of dynamic libraries used on a random gentoo box i tried: ; cd $PLAN9/bin ;>[2=]ldd `{file `{find .}|grep 'ELF.* shared'|sed 's/:.*//'}|grep -v :| sed 's/=>.*//'|grep -v /lib64/ld-linux-x86|sort|uniq libX11.so.6 libXau.so.6 libXdmcp.so.6 libXext.so.6 libc.so.6 libdl.so.2 libm.so.6 libpthread.so.0 libresolv.so.2 libutil.so.1 libxcb.so.1 linux-vdso.so.1 - erik