On 03/04/2010 01:55 AM, EBo wrote:
> While working on merging and cleaning up the 3 or 4 different portage ebuild
> trees for plan9 and plan9port I ran into a number of things which I need
> clarified:
> * Gentoo's plan9port report's the license as MIT, yet the LICENSE file says it
> is Lucent-1.02. Which is correct?
> * Gentoo's plan9port also sets DEPEND="x11-apps/xauth".  Is xauth a build or
> runtime dependency?
> * Am I correct in my understanding that the only two things that the install
> configuration ("${PLAN9}/INSTALL -c") do is change the hardwired
> /usr/local/plan9 paths, and build the documentation in $PLAN9/dist?
> * I've built an updated live ebuild which works directly from the plan9port
> mercurial tree.  Is there enough interest to request that this be added to
> gentoo portage?

I added
http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/plan9us-hg/plan9us-hg/README.too to an
AUR http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=32983 for ArchLinux, we
build from mercurial repo.

How about adding a slightly re-phrased REAME.too as follows:

"The bulk of this software is derived from Plan 9 and is thus
distributed under the Lucent Public License, Version 1.02, reproduced
below. There are a few exceptions: libutf, libfmt, and libregexp are
distributed under simpler BSD-like boilerplates.  See the LICENSE files
in those directories.  There are other exceptions, also marked with
LICENSE files in their directories or marked at the top of the file. The
bitmap fonts in the font/luc, font/lucm, font/lucsans, and font/pelm
directory are copyright B&H Inc. and distributed under more restricted
terms under agreement with B&H.  See the NOTICE file in those directories.

Most of the COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, NOTICE and, or README informative files
are installed, but in /usr/local/plan9/unix or $PLAN9/unix directory."

Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman        Registered Linux User: #229709
Anu'z li...@home (Unix Shoppe)        Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
Chandigarh, UT, 160062, India         Plan9, T2, Arch/Debian/FreeBSD/XP
Home: http://werc.homelinux.net/      Visit: http://counter.li.org/

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