> > try this. at the install prompt, type "!rc". then at the rc prompt > > type "cat /dev/sdctl". the output should be interesting. > > queuevonqu.com/9boot_a.jpg
okay. so it sees your controller, but not the drives. there are a couple reasons this might be. - power management. perhaps the drive is using PUIS. you might try at the rc prompt echo reset>/dev/sdE1/ctl echo reset>/dev/sdE0/ctl and then try to continue with the install. the contents of /dev/sdE?/ctl will be interesting. - originally, the ahci driver had trouble with ports that weren't contiguous. ahci allows drives to be missing. e.g. drive 0 and 3 exist, but not 1 or 2. if this is the problem, you'll just have to use a more recent driver. - erik