On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:43 AM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> On Tue Feb 23 11:38:44 EST 2010, slawmas...@gmail.com wrote:
>> We've also had various newbies come in and promise to create a great,
>> simple site for users, but it never goes anywhere. I'd suggest looking
>> more closely at the Wiki, maybe creating some pages there and linking
>> them all from a "For New Users" page.
> thanks for pointing out the resources on the wiki,
> but i don't see how assuming failure is the path
> to success.
> - erik

Well, the problem is that by putting everything out on your own
website, it's more of a trek to get there from the Wiki, which should
basically be the first point for any Plan 9 questions. When one person
controls the site, there's a bottleneck making it more difficult for
other people to share their newbie resources; if instead Purple_Q
creates a "Newbie Resources" page on the wiki, everybody can link in
their own stuff as well.

I definitely like the idea of having more resources for new users, and
if Purple_Q is willing to put in the time, that's excellent.

"Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing" -- Rob Pike

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