Greets all. I'll cut straight to the chase for those who don't like
reading long posts, else please bare with me and read this entire post
so you can offer an opinion.

I would like to erect a site that aims to show Plan9 in a more user/
desktop direction for those who share the enthusiast/niche category. I
want to put up a site with information for users; not how to manage a
mainframe or something, but with info like how to download and install
3rd party apps, how to access usb keys and install apps (for those
like me who's ethernet card doesn't work in plan9), and things like
how to burn CD's, how to add users and "faces", how to change the
background (if that can even be done).
In short; simple user functions. Plan9, while I know there are some
here that would disagree, never seemed to me to be geared towards the
casual desktop user (it is a research OS no?). I would like to show it
in a different light, with help from anyone here who will contribute
walkthrus, command strings, and howtos.
I also wouldn't mind if enough of the community would elect someone
(if interested) that I would give FTP access to, to help manage the
site and add things, etc.

What do you think?

Now for the more patient readers; here's the HOW and WHY.
For the HOW;
I have a corny little personal homesite at
I pay just short of $15 a month for unlimited webspace. I have a half
serious, half for fun project as a chiptune producer (which if you're
not familiar, chiptune is a genre of electronic music that is made
using the sound hardware of vintage video game systems or computer
hardware, in my case, a pair of Atari 2600's). The website address is
See, I bought the domain name from GoDaddy and have it set up to
forward to the actual address, which is a subdomain on my homesite :

I am thinking that if I get enough support from the board here
(digital support, NOT money), I will make the same setup with
something like "" or "" or something like
that (name suggestions welcome!)

For the WHY:
I grew up with (and my first computer as a child for xmas) was an
Apple. I got some PC experience much later. Anyway, I was around 17 or
so when someone introduced me to linux. He had several distros and at
first I was intrigued, but not overly impressed. I tried quite a few
in a month's time until I came upon Slackware. He told me of all of
them to use and learn on, that one was the toughest he had and is
considered quite advanced. Being someone who sees sheer beauty in
minimalism, I was loving it's lack of "over guification".

I experienced this MAGNETISM, I couldn't stop thinking about what I
was seeing and would day dream about it often. Unbelievable emotion. I
used it for just a hair over 9 years straight, never even trying
another distro because I loved what I had and was quite comfortable.
The same thing happened when I met a fella online recently who was a
nut for FreeBSD. We got to talking in a forum and he told me "if
you're a Slackware veteran, you'll almost be quite at home, and plus
blah blah blah" (onward with the list of advantages and superiority of
it compared to linux). That was just a couple months ago, nowadays i'm
a pure FreeBSD user.

Why tell all of that? I'm experiencing the same feelings with Plan9,
though the funny thing is I can hardly do a damn thing with it at the
moment. I have no clue how to access my thumb drive, how to install
3rd party software, etc. I need walkthrus and etc, people to "hold my
hand" along the way. How to do simple user tasks.

I can't help it though, i'm totally "in love" with this OS and am
driven to figure it out, which is why I bother you kind folks all the
time :)

So indeed, it's a learning experience for me. I'd like to take
everything a desktop user (like me) can learn in Plan9 and put it up
for direct and easy reference for others. Also, to help promote Plan9
and bring it to the attention of fellow linux and BSD geeks who might
enjoy using it. I realize it's not got alot of modern things, like
flash and java, I don't know that it has IM or the such either, but I
thought I read somewhere once that Mplayer works for it???

If you've read all of this i'm very grateful. I really would like to
put up a minimalistic, simple website for end-users to learn simple
and common "desktop" administration, myself included.

**For those who would like to help;
I will give you credit on each walkthru, howto, command string, etc
you are willing to help with however you want me to (name, alias,
email, url link, etc).
Help a complete newbie help other newbies! I want to bring more light
to Plan9.

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