> Next step would have been, to compile a pccpuf kernel.  Easy enough:
>   cd /sys/src/9/pc
>   mk 'CONF=pccpuf'
> But! instead of a kernel i get:
>   ../port/flags: '../port/flags' does not exist
>   ../boot/libboot.a8 doesn't exist: assuming it will be an archive
>   8c -FTVw i8253.c
>   mk: no recipe to make 'devcec.8' in directory sys/src/9/pc

it's because i've screwed something up.  big apoligies to everyone
who's found this problem.  here are two work arounds until i get
this fixed:

a) remount the 9atom.iso iso.  copy -x the kernel files onto your

b) downloead ftp://ftp.quanstro.net/other/kernel.mkfs.bz2
unpack into /sys/src/9

evidently i need to modify the replica configuration files to
get this file to copy over.  the point of this extra file is to
support the linker tricks needed to get ron's excellent tracing.

again, i'm really sorry about this.  i will fix soon and put out
a new image.

- erik

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