
In parallel to the old Laptops i have installed Plan9 now on an ACP 
mini motherboard.  Did not work out, until i found the Eric Qanstroms 
9atom.iso - a Big thank you to Erik.

Why would it be that this ISO not mentioned in the installation 
instructions on the Plan9 wiki...?

Next step would have been, to compile a pccpuf kernel.  Easy enough:
  cd /sys/src/9/pc
  mk 'CONF=pccpuf'

But! instead of a kernel i get:
  ../port/flags: '../port/flags' does not exist
  ../boot/libboot.a8 doesn't exist: assuming it will be an archive
  8c -FTVw i8253.c
  mk: no recipe to make 'devcec.8' in directory sys/src/9/pc

A 'pull' updates some files, but does not change the situation.

Any tip to get me working?



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