fuse is probably just doing a stat of each file, as is
conventional and necessary in unix.

the 9p fuse converter can't legitimately cache the
qids from the directory read, so there's probably
no other way.

2010/1/27 erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>:
> On Wed Jan 27 08:42:31 EST 2010, rogpe...@gmail.com wrote:
>> i guess that's because it's walking into mnt/acme/new,
>> which creates a new window.
>> i've thought in the past that perhaps the first write
>> to a file in mnt/acme/new should create the window,
>> rather than just walking to it.
>> it always seems odd to me that du -a /mnt has side effects.
> seems even more antisocial that fuse is walking
> around for no reason.  there's a fine line between
> programs doing things for you and to you.
> - erik

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