i guess that's because it's walking into mnt/acme/new,
which creates a new window.

i've thought in the past that perhaps the first write
to a file in mnt/acme/new should create the window,
rather than just walking to it.

it always seems odd to me that du -a /mnt has side effects.

2010/1/27 Lorenzo Bolla <lbo...@gmail.com>:
> Anyway, Russ' suggestion worked.
> The only weird behaviour is that listing /mnt/acme opens a new empty window
> in acme...
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Ethan Grammatikidis <eeke...@fastmail.fm>
> wrote:
>> On 24 Jan 2010, at 9:51 pm, Russ Cox wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:09 PM, David Leimbach <leim...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> How about on MacFUSE?  I remember there being some issues there.  In
>>>> fact,
>>>> I'm now using an SSHFS that is *not* a FUSE module, but a pretty nicely
>>>> done
>>>> independent implementation.
>>> The only MacFUSE issues have been using the correct path
>>> since the installed binaries seemed to move around each time
>>> a new version came out.  That seems to have settled down.
>>> Russ
>> Commands may be renamed or missing too. 9pfuse(4) states "The fusermount
>> binary must exist in the current search path," however the nearest thing I
>> see to that with macfuse 2.0.2 is:
>>  $ locate -i mount | grep -i fuse
>> /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/mount_fusefs
>> Running it I get the nice little mesage: "This program is not meant to be
>> called directly. The MacFUSE library calls it." Lovely.
>> --
>> freedesktop.org, because unix doesn't make things harder enough.
>> Ethan Grammatikidis
>> eeke...@fastmail.fm

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