On Jan 5, 2010, at 6:52 AM, Enrico Weigelt <weig...@metux.de> wrote:
* Jorden Mauro <jrm8...@gmail.com> wrote:
The coffee pot runs windows and there is a virus that causes Coffee
Denial of Service on it.
That, of course, would be the very most worstcase that can ever
happen ;-)
I doubt anyone would be foolish enough to put an 80x86 in a coffee
machine. Yes you could run WinCE, but without the 80x86 your not going
to suffer from the hoards of virus's.
I'd like to see the day someone gets Linux or NetBSD booting on a
coffee machine.
Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service -- http://www.metux.de/
phone: +49 36207 519931 email: weig...@metux.de
mobile: +49 174 7066481 icq: 210169427 skype: nekrad666
Embedded-Linux / Portierung / Opensource-QM / Verteilte Systeme