Hello 9fans

Just wanted to let you know that Plan 9 runs fine (except for a
PCMCIA-related problem, see below) on my JVC MP-XP3 Netbook.

I installed Plan 9 using the latest ISO-Image ("Dec 14 2009") which I
downloaded yesterday.

System: JVC MP-XP3

Intel Pentium III (750 MHz)
SIS 630 with VGA, LAN* and onboard AC'97 sound (on chip it says "SIS
630 ST", RAM shares up to 64MB with VGA)
256 MB RAM (can be upgraded to more)
Ricoh 475 PCMCIA Controller (recognized on boot)
80 GB Fujitsu IDE-HDD (5200 RPM)
8,9" display with native resolution of 1024x600 pixels

(*LAN is recognized as "ns83815" on port d400/d4ff, but it's broken
because my predecessor plugged in a bad cable.)

The ps2 trackpoint and the three onboard mouse buttons work just fine
out of the box.

The following resolutions work with the VESA driver:


I tried using 1024x600x8 but it didn't work, rio complains about
something with the vgadb.

Is there a way how I can nevertheless use this resolution?

Right now I'm trying to use my D-Link DFE-690TXD PCMCIA-Card (Realtek
rtl8139) but I encounter some difficulties. According to the Wiki it
should be supported.

First problem:

% ip/ipconfig
ipconfig: /net/ipifc/clone: bind ether /net/ether0: '/net/ether0' cs:
file does not exist

Second problem:

The system boots fine with the PCMCIA card in the slot only once, on
the following boot it always does the usual startup but then hangs at
"init: /bin/rc". (Note that it is not related to the device waiting
for a DHCP offer as I once waited a long time and still nothing
happened.) So I have to reboot, edit and save ANY setting in the BIOS
and then boot again, now the system will work again and boot with the
PCMCIA card.

% cat /n/9fat/plan.ini

pcmcia0=type=rtl8139 port=0x400 irq=10

# *debugload=1
# *noahciload=1
# [debug]


Notes: Whether I change the port/irq, remove port/irq, remove the
complete pcmcia0= line doesn't change anything. Also, whether trying
with or without ether0=rtl8139 doesn't change anything.

The following is what I get on boot:

cpu0: 748MHz GenuineIntel Pentium III/Xon (cpuid: AX 0x06B1 DX 0x383F9FF)
ELCR: 08B0
#Y0: Ricoh 475 PCI/Cardbus brigde, 000DE000 intl 11
PCI.32.0.0 mem[1] 0e000000 512
rtl8139: port 0x400 in use      # Note: This always appears no matter what
I do in plan9.ini
ns83815: auto neg timed out
224M memory: 92M kernel data, 132M user, 507M swap
root is from (tcp, local)[local!#S/sdC0/fossil]:

% cat /dev/ioalloc
0       f dma
20      21 i8259.0
40      43 i8253
60      60 kbd
61      61 i8253.cntr2c
64      64 kbd
70      71 rtc/nvr
80      8f dma
a0      a1 i8259.1
d0      df dma
1f0     1f7 atacmd
2b0     2df vga
378     37a lpt0
3c0     3da vga
3e0     3e1 i82365.0
3f0     3f5 floppy
3f6     3f6 atactl
3f7     3f7 floppy
400     5ff cardbus # This is the concerned card.
fff     fff dummy
d400    d4ff ns83815

Notes: The card always appears on port 400 and the settings in
plan9.ini are ignored. For example, if I write port=0x380 in plan9.ini
this will still appear on port 400.

I found a few messages with similar issues on 9fans but they didn't
really help me.


Any ideas and suggestions on how to solve this are very much welcome!

Best regards,
F. Caulier

PS: Please tell me if you need any further information on the system.
(e.g. output of % ns)

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