and I don't blame it. I just did a pull and built a new kernel, and
when it boots, it dies because fossil can't connect to /net/net/clone.

I realize I'm confused now, I see this on the old kernel:
boot...bind: #�: unknown device in # filename
#æ: pnpprobe establishes e!#æ/aoe/0.0 in 0ms
bind: #�: unknown device in # filename
usb...disk: no usb mass storage device found
disks...switching over to the old boot stuff
usbd...kb...disk.../boot/disk: no usb mass storage device found
root is from (tcp, local)[local!#S/sdC0/fossil]:
venti...2009/1218 18:53:51 venti: conf.../boot/venti: mem -1 bcmem 0
icmem 0...httpd tcp!127.1!8000...init...icache 0 bytes = 1,000
entries; 4 scache
sync...announce tcp!127.1!17034...serving.
fossil(#S/sdC0/fossil)...fsys: dialing venti at tcp!127.1!17034

init: starting /bin/rc

hmm. This is related to aoe I guess? We run a coraid for our fossil and venti.

I didn't set this thing up, so I'm not quite sure what's going on here
... any hints? Any idea why the old kernel "switching over to the old
boot stuff" and the new kernel would try to open /net/net/clone
instead of something that actually exists?



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