Sandia has a new deal for "new phds". This seems to mean
- just got it
- just hired on and you have it

You can come in and propose something research-y, and you'll get 66%
support for two years for whatever. It's a pretty good deal.

It's harder if you're not US citizen but ... we got lots of people
from all over, so it's not impossible.

Anyway, I hope nobody minds this note but I know jobs are tough to get
right now. This job, coming with 2 years of 2/3 "your own research"
time, is pretty sweet.

In my area, we could use Plan 9 people, or people who want to work on
the "10 million VMs" project, or people who want to build safer
systems based on open source from the BIOS up, or people who think
Plan 9 can answer security issues and want to add VM support to it, or
who want to work with manycores, or ...


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