>     Unfortunately after playing a little bit more with rc, and trying
> it's syntax and semantics to the limit, I've also found other nasty
> bugs (some of which I've fixed, other I was not able to do so)...

what nasty bugs?  could you give some specifics.

>     By the way, what is the expected outcome of the following snippet
> of code when the `-e` (exit on non-0 exit code) is on:
> { echo 1 ; false ; echo 2 } || echo 3
>     Case a) it should print `1` and exit because the false in the
> middle of the block just failed;
>     Case b) it should print `1`, and then `2`, because `false` is
> inside a block that is part of a `||` command;
>     Case c) it should print `1`, and then `3`, because `false` has
> stopped the evaluation of the block, and made the entire block exit
> code be `1`.

that's not a bug.  -e is only evaluated at the end of a full rc
production.  in yiour case, there is only one production and
it $status is '' (true) at the end of it.  since echo 3 sets status
to true.

- erik

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