On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Charles Forsyth <fors...@terzarima.net> wrote:
>>     * who is maintaining the UNIX port of rc shell? (is it still
>>Tig?) (if so what's the email address?)
> if it's Byron Rakitzis' rc, it's not a `port' to UNIX of Plan 9's rc,
> but an independent implementation, with differences in the language,
> although it's quite usable and both versions are lightweight compared to
> the current sh implementations.

    Yes, it's Byron's reimplementation. (I've misused the `port` word.)

    But then rc's port to UNIX is the one from `plan9port` project?
    (And if so, can I build and use it independent of the rest of the tools?)


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