Please, enable debug and send me the output


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Akshat Kumar
<> wrote:
> I haven't been able to test printing yet, but with
> the new Kernel and tools, my terminal needs to
> be rebooted each time I disconnect and reconnect
> the printer USB (or turn printer on/off, of course).
> usb/print otherwise just says "no devices found".
> On the other hand, regardless of however many
> reboots I do, and when I plug in the printer,
> usb/print *never* finds the printer on my CPU
> server. I'm not sure if it has to do with the
> different kernels or what... just have noticed this
> distinction. Prior to these updates, I could unplug
> and replug the printer without any hassle.
> usbd is in the boot section of each kernel
> Best,
> ak

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