Last time I played with printing, was quite a while
before the last update to usb/print (apparently Sep.
25). And stuff worked back then.

Here's the output now:

cpu% usb/print
usb/print: startdevs: opening #0 /dev/usb/ep7.0
usb/print: /dev/usb/ep7.0: config: d2h data too large to fit in uhci
usb/print: no device found

and what does the ctl see?

cpu% cat /dev/usb/ep7.0/ctl
enabled control rw speed full maxpkt 8 pollival 0 samplesz 0 hz 0 hub
4 port 1 idle
255 csp 0x00ccff csp 0x020107 csp 0x00d4ff vid 0x03f0 did 0x4f11 HP
'Officejet 5600 series'

Using the backup, usb/_print from July 28, stuff still
works (there's a usable /dev/lp^$n device for printing
and no error).


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