The cortex-a8 arms are arm v7-a architecture. L2 page table entries have changed format. The a8 includes trustzone, so many registers have forked, producing a "secure" and a "nonsecure" version of the register. The arm v7-a manual is a 2,150-page pdf file and the omap35x SoC manual is a 3,500-page pdf file; both documents refer you to other documents for some details. Some co-processor control registers that used to exist to clear caches and TLBs have vanished. I'm sure there's more that I've blocked.
- [9fans] /sys/include/ip.h 5c(1) Rodriguez Faszanatas
- Re: [9fans] /sys/include/ip.h 5c(1) erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] /sys/include/ip.h 5c... Rodriguez Faszanatas
- Re: [9fans] /sys/include/ip.... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] /sys/include... Rodriguez Faszanatas
- Re: [9fans] /sys/in... geoff
- Re: [9fans] /sy... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans]... geoff
- Re: [9fans]... ron minnich
- Re: [9fans]... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans]... ron minnich
- Re: [9fans]... W B Hacker
- Re: [9fans]... ron minnich
- Re: [9fans]... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans]... W B Hacker
- Re: [9fans]... Lyndon Nerenberg - VE6BBM/VE7TFX
- Re: [9fans]... ron minnich
- Re: [9fans]... Wes Kussmaul