On Sep 21, 2009, at 10:33 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:

"We're getting bloated and huge. Yes, it's a problem," said Torvalds."

So may be Tanenbaum was right, after all, there's a reason we make
things modular.

rob, presotto, ken and phil did not agree with tanenbaum's
ideas about modular kernels.

this was a direct response to ast many years ago.  it was
hard to dig up when i did so in 2006.  perhaps someone
has a better link:

  - Microkernels are the way to go
       False unless your only goal is to get papers published.
       Plan 9's kernel is a fraction of the size of any microkernel
       we know and offers more functionality and comparable
       or often better performance.

It was somewhat sarcastic. I'm aware each type of kernel has it's specific areas it excels in. I was poking fun at the Mono v Micro debate.

We as people don't always agree on a subject. I can't agree completely with some of the Bell labs staff on some subjects. C or C++ for example, I strongly prefer Ada. Does that mean I don't agree with Plan 9's design? Far from it, almost every machine I've set up either runs Plan 9 or is an embedded system.

- erik

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