On Sep 21, 2009, at 1:41 PM, Jack Norton wrote:
ron minnich wrote:
2.7M lines last year
10K lines added a day.
5K lines deleted per day.
I keep thinking this can't be sustained. What happens next?
At the same time, well, as pointed out, we all use it all the time.
I'm sending this from gmail.
Or you can use Linux by googling these stats :-)
Here is a little related tidbit:
It shows employer/company vs. changed lines/contributions etc...
I think this has as much to do with the state of the linux kernel
as the overall design and ideal therein. It defines the 'new' open
source. I don't think something this large can benifit anymore
from open source (as in open 'all the time' to anyone, everywhere --
as opposed to let's say apple's version of open source dev). The
development scheme just doesn't scale.
In any event, I'm still waiting for the damn thing to fork...
Fork... That's true, everything under the sun has forked, except the
Linux kernel...