
Some time ago I wrote for inferno an analog of kbmap with an extention - a possibility to print complex symbols via sequences of more basic symbols.
I use it for typing by the russian translit.
Here is a piece of file for my kbmap:
<------------cut --------------->
1       45      0
1       46      'Ц
1       47      'В
1       48      'Б
1       49      'Н
1       50      'М
C       цх      'ч
C       Цх      'Ч
C       сх      'ш
C       Сх      'Ш
C       сцх     'щ
C       Сцх     'Щ

The latin symbols are mapped to russian when it is possible. Other russian symbols are presented via sequences of mapped symbols, e.g. russian symbol 'Ч' [ch] is presented like an sequence of 'ц' [c] и 'х' [h].
A sequence can be broken by pressing any non-symbol key.
There is at least one big disadvantage of this method - the input focus can be changed, e.g. by mouse. In inferno I didn't resolve this problem, because /dev/pointer can be opened only once.

Maybe it makes a sence to make something like this in Plan9 (an analog kbmap) for typing complex symbols like an hieroglyph ?

On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 14:23:02 +0400, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:

       Is there some ways to input Simplified Chinese in plan 9 ? I
know plan 9 supports Unicode, so it is no questions for plan 9 to
display Simplified Chinese....... and i have seen some pictures on
Internet to prove it...so i have a question like that above...
   I'm looking forward for the answer........... Thanks first......!!!!

the only way to input simplified chinese currently
is to use the general codepoint input method.
<compose> 'x' + four hex digits.  on a pc compose =
<alt>.  that's probablly not what you're looking for.
i am not aware that anyone has written an input
method specificly for simplified chinese.

- erik

Best regards,

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