HI..everyone: Is there some ways to input Simplified Chinese in plan 9 ? I know plan 9 supports Unicode, so it is no questions for plan 9 to display Simplified Chinese....... and i have seen some pictures on Internet to prove it...so i have a question like that above... I'm looking forward for the answer........... Thanks first......!!!!
- [9fans] Simplified Chinese plan 9 xiangyu
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chinese plan 9 erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chinese plan 9 Alexander Sychev
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chinese plan 9 Eris Discordia
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chinese plan 9 erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chinese pla... Eris Discordia
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chinese plan... Anthony Sorace
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chinese ... Eris Discordia
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chin... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chin... Eris Discordia
- Re: [9fans] Simplified Chin... erik quanstrom