If all you want is to preserve the -a flag, add to your profile:

; fn a { acme -a; }

Problem solved.


P.S.: Admitedly this doesn't fix up the plumber, but once you have an
acme session the plumber will use it, and you can fix it up for the
plumber equally simply.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Aaron W. Hsu<arcf...@sacrideo.us> wrote:
> Other than a script to start acme with the -a option, is there some way to
> configure the start up option on Acme? I am thinking of the equivalent of a
> .exrc file or the like?
>        Aaron W. Hsu
> --
> Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims
> may be the most oppressive. -- C. S. Lewis

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