On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 1:07 AM, David Leimbach<leim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I for one am quite grateful for the sources machine.
> My guess is if we didn't have it, we'd have to create a grid based
> "contrib", and we'd probably have to have some kind of 9grid based registry
> to find everyone's contributions.

I'm not sure how this would work out, perhaps something along the
lines of http://9gridchan.org

But in any case it would be an improvement over the current situation
where people that asks for a sources account spend months and months
twiddling their thumbs, thinking that for some horrible reason the
people that run sources hate them, and that it is pointless to try to
contribute to Plan 9 (various people have told me of their worries
that perhaps they were not 'qualified' to have a sources account and
that perhaps that was why their requests were being ignored, and I had
to explain to them that, hell, if I had a sources account, *anyone* no
matter how stupid or incompetent should be allowed to have one, not to
mean they were either stupid or incompetent, they were highly
qualified and motivated people that were interested in contributing
their work, and that were feeling directly shunned and unwelcome).


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