On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Anthony Sorace<ano...@gmail.com> wrote:
> a few things:
> 1) note that when the web site is down, sources may still be up
> (someone in IRC made this mistake). i run an automated availability
> check of sources every 10 minutes and didn't see an outage.
> 2) Ethan, i'm not sure if you realize it or not, but your comment is
> entirely unhelpful and serves only to foster animosity all around.
> please stop.

Seriously, we're lucky to have sources /at all/. Instead of
complaining, maybe the most concerned people should volunteer their
time to help maintain sources, or put up mirrors of their own.

> 3) nobody involved with running plan9.bell-labs.com spends any time on
> #plan9, so "reporting" it there is ineffective and serves only to fuel
> some of the less stable elements there. afaik, the correct reporting
> method is a *polite* mail to either this list (Adriano's original mail
> seemed fine), 9trou...@plan9, or webmas...@plan9 (the address given at
> the bottom of the page).
> anthony

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