> erik quanstrom wrote:
> >> The point is how to compute the offset(s) of the last field at compile / 
> >> run time.
> >>     
> >
> > the offset of the last field is not in question.  i believe you mean the 
> > size?
> >   
> It's really the same info.

it is not.  the size and offset are different things.

> offset(B) = 100,  &(A.B[7]) == address(A) + 100 + 7*sizeof(int).
> The compiler accept the dirty but legal expression  A.B[-3]  because it 
> can compute
> the address (or the offset with respect the beginnig of "A") of the B 
> "-3" cell.

this is completely beside the point and furthermore the sizeof A.B never
enters into the picture.

- erik

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