On Mon Jul 6 19:41:36 EDT 2009, jrm8...@gmail.com wrote: > On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 7:37 PM, ron minnich<rminn...@gmail.com> wrote: > > I just ported the linux driver > > I'm interested in how hard this is, and how it might be made easier.
that depends. i've found that porting a driver or working backwards from an example is often harder than just writing a new driver. this is because the hard part is understanding how the hardware works, not in coding that knowledge up. and unfortunately, looking at a linux driver hasn't been very instructive to me. i'm sure one could create a compatability layer for certain driver types along the lines of ndiswrapper. but given the instability of linux internal interfaces, this might be finished about the same time as duke nukem forever. - erik