>> Thank you for remembering to find this, it will be of great help to me!
> which board/cpu are you targeting? I really like that beagleboard.
> ron

The TS-7200 Technologic board, the exact board in your port, I
believe.  The intent is to use it to netboot other machines.

Also of interest is the Technologic TS-7500,


for a wifi point that can serve a HDD, and also wake up an attached
larger machine and then attach itself as a usb device.  (The machine
has slave usb in addition to the host usb.)

Thank you for the Beagleboard information.  I have a need for driving
a small vga lcd with a low-power arm board.  The intent is to replace
my ailing terminal, a thinkpad 600e.  I had previously assumed the
latest Gumstix board would serve this purpose, I believe which is more


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