On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 10:41:25 -0700
Roman Shaposhnik <r...@sun.com> wrote:

> On Jul 3, 2009, at 5:34 AM, sqweek wrote:
> > 2009/7/3 Balwinder S Dheeman <bsd.sans...@cto.homelinux.net>:
> >> On 07/02/2009 01:22 AM, Russ Cox wrote:
> >>> Arguing about mouse vs keyboard misses the point.
> >>> I'm very happy with acme's use of the mouse, but
> >>> acme's power comes from the rest of its design.
> >>
> >> True, but seems to me, by other peoples' responses and, or  
> >> difficulties
> >> faced by them, that it's a time to design a new pointing device  
> >> operated
> >> by feet ;)
> >
> > Let me know of any developments, I've been wanting one of them for  
> > years :)
> Good news! Your wait is finally over!
>      http://www.sweetwater.com/store/search.php?s=MIDI+Foot+Controller
> Thanks,
> Roman.
> P.S. Although personally, I prefer something like this:
> http://www.pcdictate.com/Philips_LFH_2310_USB_Foot_Pedal_Control_p/lfh2310.htm

That last looks interesting, but it's still switches, no? Now, I don't know why 
no-one else has brought up gaming gear.


Note choice of airplane rudder control (2-3 axes) or vehicle 
throttle/brake-type operation (1-2 axes).  Pedals often come with USB steering 
wheels & flight yokes.  AFAIK the USB HID standard covers pedals yokes and 

I can't help laughing at the thought of one of these wheels hooked up to a plan 
9 machine!

Ethan Grammatikidis

Those who are slower at parsing information must
necessarily be faster at problem-solving.

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