On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 4:00 PM, <blstu...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> perhaps i should have taken piano, but i find the
> That's an interesting observation.  As it turns out I
> do play, and it's certainly possible that it colors my
> taste in UIs.

The weirdest thing about piano for me (typist first) is pressing more
than one key at once very often. That really bemused me.

>> contortions kbd-based editors such as vi or emacs
>> require to be quite irritating indeed.  fumbling for
> I don't disagree with you there.

vi isn't so bad because it has a huge command language. I was always
fond of it, but now I'm appreciating sam's more spartan, elegant
command set more.

>> the esc key takes ones left hand out of position
> I'm less sensitive to esc, probably because I used teco
> heavily in college.  Of course, the fact that esc is in
> the wrong place on current keyboards doesn't help
> any.

Indeed. I remap caps to be escape, someplace where it should be.

>> i've enjoyed using ibm's trackpoint, but i've got
>> two thumbs and acme needs three buttons.
>> clearly there's room for improvement in input
>> devices.
> Agreed on both points.

I like Apple's new mice, but you can't chord with them. I got it
before I got into plan 9. Now I want to chuck it.

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