2009/2/16 Skip Tavakkolian <9...@9netics.com>:
> probably need "Android Dev Phone 1" rather than G1.
My G1 wasn't a Dev Phone 1, but I put the firmware for a Dev Phone 1.
So that can be worked around.

> the kernel tree includes firmware for several things.  it's not clear
> how one would get around these:
> http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=kernel/common.git;a=blob;f=firmware/WHENCE;h=66c51b275e9e8be1891b5c6c7d3d87ead9db9645;hb=HEAD
> do mobile carriers allow (in a legal sense) unblessed device/OS on
> their networks?

I bought it from USA, and it works fine here with spanish phone
carriers. Just had to unlock the SIM.

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