On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Juan M. Mendez <vej...@gmail.com> wrote: > 2009/2/16 matt <mattmob...@proweb.co.uk>: >> Anyone got an Android / G1 phone? >> >> I'm about to and wondered if there was any feedback, esp. re: Plan 9 ideas? >> >> matt > > > Hi, I have one that I bought through ebay, and updated the firmware to > have root access. > I'm quite happy with it. > Since it's the linux kernel what is underneath probably 9vx, drawterm > or inferno could > be easily ported. > > -- > http://vejeta.com/portal > Fidonet: 2:345/432.2 > >
You could probably write some small java app to serve a fs to ported inferno, and then use all of this little devices capabilities.