> but as i said, i'm naive when it comes to crypto; maybe
> there's no way of doing this with any decent degree
> of security or usefulness.

Encryption is always a two-way path: for every bit of piece of mind
encryption provides, there is a corresponding fear of losing access.
Also, encryption tends to slow things down and considering that I'm
now getting rather jaded about the fact that my fresh fossil/venti
server has taken five days, twice, to dump -a little over 1GB of data
on two separate occasions, I'm not sure encryption is affordable.

I think that venti should be protected, the recommended approach is to
place the fossil server and its venti archive on a separate physical
network (127.1 isn't too bad, but two hosts might be more convenient)
I'm not sure if one can do better than that.  It is unfortunate that
fossil and CPU services are very likely to occur on the same host.  In
that respect KenFS is a much nicer administrative entity.


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