a windows machine with isa slots will be available to me on tuesday. i'll try this out and see what happens. of course a better solution would be to just fork over the cash for a better card...
Where can you even buy an ISA Ethernet (or any) card these days? I don't even see them on Ebay or Craiglist these days. As far as ISA Ethernet cards go, in my experience the '509 was one of the most reliable ones ever made. In the early 1990s I deployed several hundred of these in various university workstation labs running Windows 3.11 and BSD/OS, and they just plain worked.
Referring to an earlier message in this thread, the string 'irq=nn' on the ether0= line in the .ini file just tells the kernel what IRQ to speak to the card on. It doesn't actually re-configure the card to use that IRQ. (The original message was a bit ambiguous about this.)
--lyndon Don't count your chickens, eat them.