>  have 3com etherlink iii 509b isa card that refuses to let me change
> its port or irq.  also the only way i can get the card to talk on the
> network is to put my usb mouse on the same irq and wiggle it around
> really fast when i'm trying to receive or transmit.  initially i could
> change neither the irq of the usb mouse nor of the ethernet card.  i
> have turned off pnp in my bios and i can now move the irq of the usb
> mouse.  however, without the wiggling mouse sharing its irq, the
> ethernet card with not work.

maybe this is an isa-specific problem that i refuse to remember, but
i think the answer is that rather than changing the irq (i believe this
is determed by hard-wiring for the isa bus --- if memory serves), you
inform the kernel what the irq is.  plan9.ini(8) has more information
but i think you wish

ether0=type=3C509 irq=12

in your plan9.ini.

- erik

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