I did something like the following: format -e /dev/rdsk/c5t0d0p0 fdisk 1 (create) F (EFI) 6 (exit) partition label 1 y 0 usr wm 64 4194367e 1 usr wm 4194368 117214990 label 1 y
Total disk size is 9345 cylinders Cylinder size is 12544 (512 byte) blocks Cylinders Partition Status Type Start End Length % ========= ====== ============ ===== === ====== === 1 EFI 0 9345 9346 100 partition> print Current partition table (original): Total disk sectors available: 117214957 + 16384 (reserved sectors) Part Tag Flag First Sector Size Last Sector 0 usr wm 64 2.00GB 4194367 1 usr wm 4194368 53.89GB 117214990 2 unassigned wm 0 0 0 3 unassigned wm 0 0 0 4 unassigned wm 0 0 0 5 unassigned wm 0 0 0 6 unassigned wm 0 0 0 8 reserved wm 117214991 8.00MB 117231374 This isn't the output from when I did it but it is exactly the same steps that I followed. Thanks for the info about slices, I may give that a go later on. I'm not keen on that because I have clear evidence (as in zpools set up this way, right now, working, without issue) that GPT partitions of the style shown above work and I want to see why it doesn't work in my set up rather than simply ignoring and moving on. From: Fajar A. Nugraha [mailto:w...@fajar.net] Sent: Sunday, 17 March 2013 3:04 PM To: Andrew Werchowiecki Cc: zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] partioned cache devices On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Andrew Werchowiecki <andrew.werchowie...@xpanse.com.au<mailto:andrew.werchowie...@xpanse.com.au>> wrote: I understand that p0 refers to the whole disk... in the logs I pasted in I'm not attempting to mount p0. I'm trying to work out why I'm getting an error attempting to mount p2, after p1 has successfully mounted. Further, this has been done before on other systems in the same hardware configuration in the exact same fashion, and I've gone over the steps trying to make sure I haven't missed something but can't see a fault. How did you create the partition? Are those marked as solaris partition, or something else (e.g. fdisk on linux use type "83" by default). I'm not keen on using Solaris slices because I don't have an understanding of what that does to the pool's OS interoperability. Linux can read solaris slice and import solaris-made pools just fine, as long as you're using compatible zpool version (e.g. zpool version 28). -- Fajar
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