On 02/17/2013 06:40 AM, Ian Collins wrote:
> Toby Thain wrote:
>> Signed up, thanks.
>> The ZFS list has been very high value and I thank everyone whose wisdom
>> I have enjoyed, especially people like you Sašo, Mr Elling, Mr
>> Friesenhahn, Mr Harvey, the distinguished Sun and Oracle engineers who
>> post here, and many others.
>> Let the Illumos list thrive.
> This list certainly has been high value for ZFS users (I think I
> subscribed the day is started!).
> One of its main advantages is it has been platform agnostic.  We see
> Solaris, Illumos, BSD and more recently ZFS on Linux questions all give
> the same respect.
> I do hope we can get another, platform agnostic, home for this list.

Despite having a "lists.illumos.org" DNS name, the Illumos ZFS list
isn't just about Illumos. We have regular contributions from the FreeBSD
and ZOL folks, they are on the list and we frequently use it to exchange
contributions. For example, when I got LZ4 compression integrated,
within a few days those changes were pulled into both FreeBSD and ZOL -
I'd say the community is pretty active!

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