On 17/02/13 08:48 AM, Sašo Kiselkov wrote:
On 02/16/2013 10:47 PM, James C. McPherson wrote:
Whether that message winds up being something you need
to talk with a Oracle about is entirely different.
He got a kernel panic on a completely legitimate operation (booting with
one half of the root mirror faulted). There's a good chance that the
only thing he'll see is something like BAD TRAP and a stack trace.
Without source, that's where the investigation ends.
There is significant information provided in a panic message
which does NOT require that you go and ask Oracle for help.
As I pointed out, too, there is a non-Oracle source repo which
does contain the code which went into the release and build
which the OP is running. He's running Solaris 11 Express, which
we published/delivered as build snv_151b. One would hope that
there are sufficient hints in the previous 2 sentences to enable
debugging if that is required.
The OP mentioned that he was running S11 Express, for
which, iirc, you can dig through source on a non-Oracle
site and investigate.
And once he's found the problem, what then? Can he build a new ZFS
kernel module? Can he submit a patch?
You're assuming that he's found a bug which is unfixed,
and not related to failed hardware. Big assumption.
Really, though, just adding
to the kernel$ line in the grub menu prior to booting
should be enough for him to make significant progress.
If by "significant progress" you mean sending a stack trace to Oracle,
then yes.
I think you are insulting the OP by assuming that he has
insufficient understanding of how to use a search engine.
Look I'm not accusing you or anybody else for not trying to help - there
are some wonderful people around here who both care deeply for their
users and are proud of their work. I fully applaud that stance.
All I'm doing is just pointing out the facts of the matter - take from
that what you will.
Your opinion is no doubt coloured by the recent announcement
re opensolaris.org.
I have corresponded privately with the OP on this matter. I
will not respond further to this thread.
James C. McPherson
Systems / Solaris / Core
zfs-discuss mailing list