On Jun 16, 2012, at 9:49 AM, Scott Aitken wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 09:09:53AM -0500, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
>> Use 'dd' to replicate as much of lofi/2 as you can onto another device, and 
>> then 
>> cable that into place?
>> It looks like you just need to put a functioning, working, but not correct 
>> device, in that slot so that it will import and then you can 'zpool replace' 
>> the 
>> new disk into the pool perhaps?
>> Gregg Wonderly
>> On 6/16/2012 2:02 AM, Scott Aitken wrote:
>>> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 08:54:05AM +0200, Stefan Ring wrote:
>>>>> when you say remove the device, I assume you mean simply make it 
>>>>> unavailable
>>>>> for import (I can't remove it from the vdev).
>>>> Yes, that's what I meant.
>>>>> root@openindiana-01:/mnt# zpool import -d /dev/lofi
>>>>> ??pool: ZP-8T-RZ1-01
>>>>> ?? ??id: 9952605666247778346
>>>>> ??state: FAULTED
>>>>> status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
>>>>> action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
>>>>> ?? ?? ?? ??devices and try again.
>>>>> ?? see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-3C
>>>>> config:
>>>>> ?? ?? ?? ??ZP-8T-RZ1-01 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??FAULTED ??corrupted data
>>>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? ??raidz1-0 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??DEGRADED
>>>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??12339070507640025002 ??UNAVAIL ??cannot open
>>>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??/dev/lofi/5 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ONLINE
>>>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??/dev/lofi/4 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ONLINE
>>>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??/dev/lofi/3 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ONLINE
>>>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??/dev/lofi/1 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ONLINE
>>>>> It's interesting that even though 4 of the 5 disks are available, it still
>>>>> can import it as DEGRADED.
>>>> I agree that it's "interesting". Now someone really knowledgable will
>>>> need to have a look at this. I can only imagine that somehow the
>>>> devices contain data from different points in time, and that it's too
>>>> far apart for the aggressive txg rollback that was added in PSARC
>>>> 2009/479. Btw, did you try that? Try: zpool import -d /dev/lofi -FVX
>>>> ZP-8T-RZ1-01.
>>> Hi again,
>>> that got slightly further, but still no dice:
>>> root@openindiana-01:/mnt#  zpool import -d /dev/lofi -FVX ZP-8T-RZ1-01
>>> root@openindiana-01:/mnt# zpool list
>>> ZP-8T-RZ1-01      -      -      -      -      -  FAULTED  -
>>> rpool         15.9G  2.17G  13.7G    13%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
>>> root@openindiana-01:/mnt# zpool status
>>>   pool: ZP-8T-RZ1-01
>>>  state: FAULTED
>>> status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing
>>>         or invalid.  There are insufficient replicas for the pool to 
>>> continue
>>>         functioning.
>>> action: Destroy and re-create the pool from
>>>         a backup source.
>>>    see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-5E
>>>   scan: none requested
>>> config:
>>>         NAME                      STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>>>         ZP-8T-RZ1-01              FAULTED      0     0     1  corrupted data
>>>           raidz1-0                ONLINE       0     0     6
>>>             12339070507640025002  UNAVAIL      0     0     0  was 
>>> /dev/lofi/2
>>>             /dev/lofi/5           ONLINE       0     0     0
>>>             /dev/lofi/4           ONLINE       0     0     0
>>>             /dev/lofi/3           ONLINE       0     0     0
>>>             /dev/lofi/1           ONLINE       0     0     0
>>> root@openindiana-01:/mnt# zpool scrub ZP-8T-RZ1-01
>>> cannot scrub 'ZP-8T-RZ1-01': pool is currently unavailable
>>> Thanks for your tenacity Stefan.
>>> Scott
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> Hi Greg,
> lofi/2 is a dd of a real disk.  I am using disk images because I can roll
> back, clone etc without using the original drives (which are long gone
> anyway).
> I have tried making /2 unavailable for import, and zfs just moans that it
> can't be opened.  It fails to import even though I have only one disk missing
> of a RAIDZ array.

My experience is that ZFS will not import a pool with a missing disk.  There 
has to be something in that slot before the import will occur.  Even if the 
disk is "corrupt", it needs to be there.  I think this is a failsafe mechanism 
that tries to keep a pool from going live when you have mistakenly not 
connected all the drives.  That keeps the disks from becoming 
chronologically/txn misaligned which can result in data loss, in the right 
combinations I believe.

Gregg Wonderly
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