zfs get compressratio | grep GCMS

raidpool/GCMSBackup                                  compressratio  1.92x  -
tank/GCMSBackup                                      compressratio  1.92x  -

zfs list | grep GCMS

raidpool/GCMSBackup      121G   371G   121G  /volumes/raidpool/GCMSBackup
tank/GCMSBackup          128G  1.95T   128G  /volumes/tank/GCMSBackup

zpool list
raidpool  1.63T   899G   769G    53%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
tank      3.25T   282G  2.97T     8%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

zfs get recordsize | grep GCMS
raidpool/GCMSBackup                                  recordsize  128K     
tank/GCMSBackup                                      recordsize  128K     

Is this just due to the size/config of the pools? The data is exactly the same! 
I just copied FROM raidpool (smaller size count) to tank. All the settings on 
each pool are default with compression being the exception  The only thing I 
can think affecting this is the pool size/layout:

zpool status raidpool
 pool: raidpool
state: ONLINE
scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0h1m with 0 errors on Fri Dec  2 16:28:48 2011

NAME                       STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
raidpool                   ONLINE       0     0     0
 raidz1-0                 ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C5003BD95DB7d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C5003BD96557d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
 raidz1-1                 ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C5003BD9C6B7d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C5003BE44D57d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
 raidz1-2                 ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C5003BF025B7d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C5003BF22EBFd0  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

zpool status tank
 pool: tank
state: ONLINE
scan: none requested

NAME                       STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
tank                       ONLINE       0     0     0
 raidz2-0                 ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C500174132FBd0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017418D4Fd0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C500174190A7d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C5001741B323d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017A5872Bd0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017A5886Bd0  ONLINE       0     0     0
 raidz2-1                 ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017A5892Fd0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017A58B13d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017A58B53d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017A64DA3d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017A66063d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
   c3t5000C50017A677F7d0  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
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