On 10 November, 2011 - Bob Friesenhahn sent me these 1,6K bytes:

> On Wed, 9 Nov 2011, Tomas Forsman wrote:
>>> At all times, if there's a server crash, ZFS will come back along at next
>>> boot or mount, and the filesystem will be in a consistent state, that was
>>> indeed a valid state which the filesystem actually passed through at some
>>> moment in time.  So as long as all the applications you're running can
>>> accept the possibility of "going back in time" as much as 30 sec, following
>>> an ungraceful ZFS crash, then it's safe to disable ZIL (set sync=disabled).
>> Client writes block 0, server says OK and writes it to disk.
>> Client writes block 1, server says OK and crashes before it's on disk.
>> Client writes block 2.. waaiits.. waiits.. server comes up and, server
>> says OK and writes it to disk.
>> Now, from the view of the clients, block 0-2 are all OK'd by the server
>> and no visible errors.
>> On the server, block 1 never arrived on disk and you've got silent
>> corruption.
> The silent corruption (of zfs) does not occur due to simple reason that 
> flushing all of the block writes are acknowledged by the disks and then a 
> new transaction occurs to start the next transaction group. The previous 
> transaction is not closed until the next transaction has been 
> successfully started by writing the previous TXG group record to disk.  
> Given properly working hardware, the worst case scenario is losing the 
> whole transaction group and no "corruption" occurs.
> Loss of data as seen by the client can definitely occur.

When a client writes something, and something else ends up on disk - I
call that corruption. Doesn't matter whose fault it is and technical
details, the wrong data was stored despite the client being careful when

Tomas Forsman, st...@acc.umu.se, http://www.acc.umu.se/~stric/
|- Student at Computing Science, University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at {cs,acc}.umu.se
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