On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Didier Rebeix
<didier.reb...@u-bourgogne.fr> wrote:

> Very interesting... I didn't know disk firwares were responsible for
> automagically relocating bad blocks. Knowing this, it makes no sense for
> a filesystem to try to deal with this kind of errors.

    In the dark ages, hard drives came with "bad block" lists taped to
them so you could load them into the device driver for that drive. New
bad blocks would be mapped out by the device driver. All that
functionality was moved into the drive a long time ago (at least 10-15

    Under Solaris, you can see the size of the bad block lists through
FORMAT -> DEFECT -> PRIMARY will give you the size of the list from
the factory and FORMAT -> DEFECT -> GROWN will give you those added
since the drive left the factory. I tend to open a support case to
have a drive replaced if the GROWN list is much above 0 or is growing.

    Keep in mind that any type of hardware RAID should report back 0
for both to the OS.

Paul Kraus
-> Senior Systems Architect, Garnet River ( http://www.garnetriver.com/ )
-> Sound Coordinator, Schenectady Light Opera Company (
http://www.sloctheater.org/ )
-> Technical Advisor, RPI Players
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