> [...]
> He already opened a support ticket, they responded:
> -----
> ZFS appears to be the only file system supporting NFSv4 ACLs
> that attempts to preserve ACLs during chmod(2) operations.
> Unfortunately, this requires the ACL to be modified in ways that are
> confusing to customers and the time has come to stop the confusion
> and to just "discard" the ACL during chmod(2) operations. This
> implies that the ZFS aclmode property will no longer be needed and
> will be removed from ZFS.
> This functionality is targetted to be back in Solaris 11 - as per
> CR7002239 want ZFS aclmode property back
> -----
> [...]

Just so you know and can respond to Oracles wrong statements with
facts: ZFS is not the only filesystem doing something like that.
NetApps WAFL provides an option to make it behave very similar.

Florian Wagner

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